Fold2 - Transforming Abrasives with Cutting-Edge Folding Technology

The vision of the Fold2 project is to create new folding technology for light-weight design structures and protective packaging. Mirka will explore the potential of folding technology in abrasive products and the implementation of these innovations.

The Fold technology is a radical innovation in the paper and packaging industry, as well as in other industry areas. Based on (origami) tessellation, the Fold technology transforms natural materials, particularly cellulose-based paperboard, and other sustainable, recyclable materials like PET, into packaging material with advanced structures. These structures are lightweight, easily foldable, highly adaptable, and visually striking. This provides a dual advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness and sustainability compared to conventional materials, while also facilitating the reduction of synthetic materials currently in use.  

The key objective of Fold2 is to advance the concept to a point where it is ready for large-scale manufacturing in industries and setting up smaller-scale manufacturing machines.

- This is a very interesting technology that we at Mirka already have gotten familiar with in previous projects. In Fold2, we're aiming to leverage the advantages of this technology within abrasives to develop new backing materials, new packaging solutions and other innovative abrasives-related concepts, Technology Manager Markus Kass says.

Currently, there are no similar, equally versatile and effective material forming technologies available in the global industry. This creates an immense potential for new business opportunities and significant increments of export potential for the Fold2 consortium companies. With sufficiently ready technology, the Finnish industry can be the first on the global market.

Evolving legislation and European sustainability objectives demand significant advancements in scientific and technological innovation to reshape industrial practices. This project is dedicated to creating new products and applications that align with EU circular economy objectives, including compliance with directives such as the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD).

The Fold2 consortium forms a complete value-chain to commercialize the technology in a large scale. The consortium includes a raw material producer (Stora Enso), machinery manufacturers (Anpap and Polytronic Oy), a packaging and engineering materials manufacturer (Walki) and as brand owners an abrasive paper and solutions producer (Mirka) and an acoustic panel producer (Soften Oy). Research partners in the consortium are VTT and Aalto University.

- This project is linked to and aligns well with the sustainability visions of SHAPE, Markus Kass says.


Mirka Innovation Challenge - Prolong the Lifecycle of Products!


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